Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why Cats are better than Dogs

Cats are better than dogs in many ways. Cats are sweet and adorable when they wake up from taking a nap. They have cute little paws, their little meow is so cute you just want to hug them tight. They don't care if you leave for a week, and they dont jump all over you when you come home. The list could go on and on.

When you are talking about a dog you dont think of all those things. You wonder if they smell, you wonder if they have had their shots. " Ew" is one of the many words said to describe a dog. They make to much noise, and they jump all over the place. This list could also go on and on.

To me I would want a cat more than a dog any day. "Why?" You ask. Just because THEY ARE BETTER!

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