Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yes, Im Random

Well, I am really bored so I thought I would blog some. Fun fun fun. Haha

So far my life has been good. I cant complain.

I have been looking forward to soccer. Im planing to make some new friends. Hopefully. :)

I had an AWESOME time with my friend Kayla Armour lastnight. We played with Felix. Then we went outside and played with our goats. They loved following us around but it kinda got anoying.

I love playing my guitar. Its sooo much fun. I would be lost without it and my singing.

I love ALL me friends and think they are all very special. Thats someting else I would be lost without. My friends.

Im working on someting big in the music world. I cant tell ya though its a secret.


I love Halo. Its so AWESOME!

Ok, Im done. Glad I got all that off my chest.

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