Monday, August 30, 2010


Isnt it weird how when your a little kid you dont think about the future. You dont care about what your gonna be when you get older, what your gonna look like, what college you gonna go to, stuff like that. Its amazing to me how someone can change that much. From not caring about what will happen next to being excited about the future.

When I was a little girl Mom said I could tell some of the best stories just off the top of my head. All I loved doing was telling stories. I would tell stories about what I was going to do when I got older and how I was going to do it. See, I wanted to be a Paleontologist. I loved anything and everything that had to do with Dinosaurs. But as time went on my dreams changed. I now am wanting to be a singer. And I would like to thank my favorite singer in the whole world for encouraging me in his music. Steven Curtis Chapmen. Its because of him I wanted to become a singer. Im even thinking about making my first demo! That would be AWESOME! Ok I need to calm down now.........................

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