Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cheese PIzza

I am going to type this as fast as possible cause I think I have to get off so....

Life is going good. I am happy and feel happy. Although there is still one situation that I am trying to figure out what to do. Im still praying about it though.

Anywho! I like cokkies! They are my down fall. When I eat em I can help but eat more! Thats just the person I am. DONT JUDGE ME! O_O

I love my kitty Felix. He fell out of the window the other day. It was sooo funny I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard. It was my falt. I was trying to see if he would hear me enter the room or not and well, he didnt so I made a really weird noise and it scared him SOOO bad. It still makes me laugh.

I might have found a job. I dont have an answer yet but I fell confident about it! :)

Pizza rocks!

That is all..........

Monday, September 13, 2010

Life Part 2

Life. Its full of suprizes and disapointments. Has it ever seemed like whenever things in your life were going good and the one things that you had been waiting for so long to happen was in reaching distance, and then out of no where something just went wrong and it seemed like you where at square one again? I have to say that has happened to me alot in life. More disapointments than suprizes though. Unfortunatly thats how life goes sometimes. It is in these times that make a person really question themselves. What did I do wrong? Have I done something wrong to deserve this? Have I even done something wrong? Sometimes I make things more dramatic than they should be but these things are what seriously go through my head. I tend to think more than I should. Sometimes I lay in bed at night and just wonder, " Maybe this has happened to show me something. Maybe its part of Gods plan. And who knows, maybe there is something better planed for me than this."

Its sad how one can get so attached to something so fast. And then it lets you down. Someone once told me that I should just let go because maybe it wasnt Gods will and if it was then God might make this turn into a good situation. If its His will then it will happen. If not then something greater is instore for me. "Though there is sorrow that lasts for the night HIS joy comes in the morning." I wouldnt call it sorrow but I like saying that verse because it makes me feel happy because I know God willa lways be there for me. HE will not leave nor forsake ME.