Friday, October 8, 2010

Where Darkness Cannot Hide~ Hidden Secrets

I decided to put a paragraph from the book Im writting on here and see if you guys like it. I would love your opinion that way if it needs some more work I know it.

It was suer time and Keira had noticed the house had seemed a little weirder than usual. " Hmm, sure seems quiet tonight." She thought to herself as she put soap in her hands and started to rub it between her fingers. She looked in the mirror and thought she saw her moms shadow. " Hey mom, whats for super?" She said in a jokingly voice. The shadow stood there and said nothing. " Mom are you ok?" Still standing there the shadow turned to the side to where you could just barely see the face. It was tall and had a black hood like thing on. Keira then realized the shadow she was seeing was not her mother's. Scared out of her mind she ran to her room and dialed 911. " Come on! COme on! Pick up! Hello? Is anyone there? There is a man in my house! I have no idea who he is and, I think he broke in or something! Hello?!"

Just let me know what you think. I would love you opinion! :)

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