Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Lockin

Ok, so on friday night bub and I went with Lakeside( a church I go to on wednesadys) to a lockin somewhere in T.N. It was sooooo much fun!

We got there and had to wait outside for whats seemed like forever and then they finaly let us in. We were off. People were all over the place. We mostly ran around the whole time trying to stay awake.

We hung out in the basketball place, food room with all kinds of games, locker room.

While we were there I saw someone who I though was very cuet. So my friend Keely asked If I wanted her to see how old he was and I said shure. Well, she asked him and kinda paused and started to walk way. I told my friend Kayla Armour that he looked like 15 or 26 and she agreed. Well, Keely came over and kinda looked shocked. I was kinda excited cuz I thought I was right for once, but man was I wrong. She looked at me and said " well, he is........12 years old! I wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there for the reast of the night. Talking about feeling like a dork.

Besides that I had a really good time.

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