Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hey my wonderful people of the world! I just now found my blog! How you can loose a blog your own blog I have no idea. So...dont..dont...ask.....yeeeeaaa.

Anywho. My life has been kinda boring the last, lets see, most of this year. I no longer work at McDonalds. Instead, I help my neighbore with things she cant do by herself and I have to say its the best job I have had yet. Well, really, I dont even consider it a job because I enjoy it so much. She is a real blessing to me. I am currently dating Tyler Aaron Barnes and life couldnt seem sweeter! :)

So, Im thinking about finally finishing my book "Where Darkness cannot hide" Alot of it is real life experience and some of it is fiction but, Im hoping it will turn out good! :)

Well I have to go I just wanted to post this so those of you ""tyler'' who dont know what a blog is can see what it is ;) Tootles!! :)

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